Tło galerii


Level 3
Local 301
Opening hours

Pn - Pt 9:00 - 22:00

Sobota 9:00 - 22:00

Niedziela 9:00 - 22:00


Level 3
Local 301
Opening hours

Pn - Pt: 9:00 - 22:00

Sobota: 9:00 - 22:00

Niedziela: 9:00 - 21:00

Currently all Multikino cinemas, both in yellow and red zones.

As of today, the cinema industry in Poland functions mainly thanks to
availability of Polish films in the repertoire. We also appreciate the fact
that despite the significant expansion of the current restrictions,
government has allowed cinemas across Poland to continue operating. In our view
cinemas are safer places than, for example, restaurants, bars and other similar leisure
similar leisure venues, which is due to several aspects:
- in cinemas, seats are allocated by a ticketing system that
automatically imposes an appropriate distance, ensuring that a social
social distance,
- the viewers sit back-to-back and do not talk to each other during the
- viewers are required to wear a mask or visor.
Currently all Multikino cinemas, both in the
currently all the cinemas in the Multikino chain, both in the yellow and red zones
open 7 days a week - of course with the binding
limits, according to which the number of available seats in cinema halls
The number of available seats in cinemas has been limited to 25%. Our employees are doing their best every day
our employees make every effort to make the visitors of Multikino feel comfortable and safe.
and safe.
We hope that Polish distributors will maintain their
which will allow us to offer our viewers new films and exclude the necessity of closing or limiting
movies and eliminate the need to close or limit the opening hours
Starting today, we invite you to the premiere screenings of "The Banksters" and
"The Secret Garden". In addition, the repertoire still includes the Polish hit
of last weeks - "25 years of innocence. The case of Tomek Komenda" and
the excellent animation for the youngest viewers - "Trolls 2". In November
the whole cinema industry and millions of viewers are waiting for the fourth part of "Listy do

Currently all Multikino cinemas, both in yellow and red zones.

As of today, the cinema industry in Poland functions mainly thanks to
availability of Polish films in the repertoire. We also appreciate the fact
that despite the significant expansion of the current restrictions,
government has allowed cinemas across Poland to continue operating. In our view
cinemas are safer places than, for example, restaurants, bars and other similar leisure
similar leisure venues, which is due to several aspects:
- in cinemas, seats are allocated by a ticketing system that
automatically imposes an appropriate distance, ensuring that a social
social distance,
- the viewers sit back-to-back and do not talk to each other during the
- viewers are required to wear a mask or visor.
Currently all Multikino cinemas, both in the
currently all the cinemas in the Multikino chain, both in the yellow and red zones
open 7 days a week - of course with the binding
limits, according to which the number of available seats in cinema halls
The number of available seats in cinemas has been limited to 25%. Our employees are doing their best every day
our employees make every effort to make the visitors of Multikino feel comfortable and safe.
and safe.
We hope that Polish distributors will maintain their
which will allow us to offer our viewers new films and exclude the necessity of closing or limiting
movies and eliminate the need to close or limit the opening hours
Starting today, we invite you to the premiere screenings of "The Banksters" and
"The Secret Garden". In addition, the repertoire still includes the Polish hit
of last weeks - "25 years of innocence. The case of Tomek Komenda" and
the excellent animation for the youngest viewers - "Trolls 2". In November
the whole cinema industry and millions of viewers are waiting for the fourth part of "Listy do

Level 3