Tło galerii


Level 0
Local s023
Opening hours

Pn - Pt: 9:00 - 22:00

Sobota: 9:00 - 22:00

Niedziela: 9:00 - 21:00


Level 0
Local s023
Opening hours

Pn - Pt: 9:00 - 22:00

Sobota: 9:00 - 22:00

Niedziela: 9:00 - 21:00

Lensomat - Promotion

Lens stores have prepared a special offer for their customers 👀. Mega discount 💝 -15% on all lenses!

Buy the safest, no contact with the seller and choose between dozens of different lens brands like Acuevue, Soflens, #bioview, Dailies and many, many more!

Enter code JESIEN10 and you'll get 10% off, download the app "soczewkomaty.co.uk" and you'll get a code for 15% off. We'll see you at Lenskomat between November 2 and 16! 👀🤖

Lensomat - Promotion

Lens stores have prepared a special offer for their customers 👀. Mega discount 💝 -15% on all lenses!

Buy the safest, no contact with the seller and choose between dozens of different lens brands like Acuevue, Soflens, #bioview, Dailies and many, many more!

Enter code JESIEN10 and you'll get 10% off, download the app "soczewkomaty.co.uk" and you'll get a code for 15% off. We'll see you at Lenskomat between November 2 and 16! 👀🤖

Level 0
